Dedicated to the memory of Lorna Searls

This site is a tribute to Lorna Searls. She is much loved and will always be remembered.


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Lorna Gillian Searls 9/12/1942 – 14/7/2023 Greetings to all of you in the old world from those of us in the new world. Greetings tinged with sadness perhaps, firstly because we have lost a beloved sister/Aunt/Great Aunt etc. but also because we can’t be with you in the physical sense as you are all gathered. Spiritually we are very close to you. For those of us of a religious persuasion we are told in the Old Testament book of Maccabees that it is profitable to pray for the dead. To that end we have asked Priests we know here to offer Mass for the repose of Lorna’s soul as well as offering our private intentions; intentions which include all of her bereaved family and friends. Lorna was, for us, a great source of family coherence which embraced all of us here as families grew, because of the time and expense she took to visit us ‘down under’. We loved her visits (as we did others of the family who came halfway round the world to see us), she was real fun to be with. So, goodbye Lorna; or rather au revoir because, although our memories may fade a bit, they remain with us. I vividly remember Aunty Lorna's visits to us here in NZ when we were children especially. She brought with her, her unique joy in life, sense of fun and laughter. I particularly recall Aunty Lorna being given a personal tour of Queen's High School, where I was a student, by our quirky headmistress. The pair got on like a house on fire and suitably embarrassed me in class! I am sure that Aunty Lorna will be up with her loved ones, resting in peace. May God bless her and each one of us - Mary Alice. With Love, Denys and May, Mary Alice and Peter, John, Paul, Luke, Eleanor, Mark, Stephen and Isobelle. Elizabeth, James, Catherine, Rebecca and Mathew. Raymond and Larissa. Dorothy, Ethan. Nina and Chris, Daniel, Nicholas, Felecia, Timothy, Jonathon and Alexandra. P.S. She hated crane flies.
With Love, Denys and May and all the family in New Zealand and Nina and Chris, Daniel, Nicholas, Felecia, Timothy, Jonathon and Alexandra.
16th August 2023

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